The Tides

At very high tides (springs at the equinoxes) high water comes very nearly to the front door. With low atmospheric pressure and an Easterly wind, it comes even closer, but not quite!

The bottom of the ford across the creek is at 4.5m above Chart Datum (CD).

The line between the concrete of the ford and the tarmac of the road is at 5.3m (which is approx MHWS).

The top of the bottom granite step to the front door is 5.8m above CD. (Which is also HAT.)

The kitchen floor is at approximately 6.3m above CD...

The jetty at the pub is at 3.0m above Chart Datum and has water from 1/2 tide and above, so approx 3 hours either side of High Water.

The jetty at Steve Potter’s house (next to the ferry landing) is at Chart Datum (approx) so nearly always (but not quite) has water.

There is deep water (2.0m) all the way to Gweek for three hours either side of high water, in the marked channels.

The creeks (Frenchmans, Polwheveral, Gillan, and others) are shallow mudflats with unmarked channels. Be very careful if you go up them on a falling tide unless you are exceptionally fond of watching wading birds and have a picnic and a coat with you...

When the tide comes right up to the footbridge, sometimes you can catch mackerel straight into the frying pan!

Beware when swimming out in the middle of the Helford River (crossing over to Helford Passage on the North shore) at half-tide as the outgoing tide can go out at up to 2 knots.

© Michael Worthington 2015